
See the context of this sign.

Pioneer Tabernacle, Ogden, Utah

In 1855-56 people of Ogden area started
construction of this tabernacle, under direction
of Stake President Lorin Farr. About fifty
families donated labor, materials, etc. Wm. Nicol
Fife, architect and builder and Walter Thompson
were sent from Salt Lake City by Brigham
Young to take charge of the erection. The
foundation was rock, walls adobe, two feet
thick, and interior finished with red pine from
Strong's Canyon, floated down Ogden River
and sawed at Farr's mill. Roof arches were
fastened with wooden pegs. Dedicated Oct. 10,
1869, and remodeled in 1896 at a cost of $15,000,
it was used until 1956 for stake conferences.

Don't miss the rest of our virtual tour of Ogden, Utah in 329 images.