
See the context of this sign.

"All my life in politics, I have striven to make the necessary working
compromise between the ideal and the practical." -Letter to his son Kermit, January 17, 1915

Theodore Roosevelt

BORNOctober 27, 1858, New York, New York
MARRIEDAlice Hathaway Lee (1861-1884), October 27, 1880
Edith Kermit Carow (1861-1948), December 2, 1886
CHILDRENAlice, Theodore, Jr., Kermit, Ethel, Archibald, Quentin
DIEDJanuary 6, 1919, Oyster Bay, New York
EDUCATIONHarvard College, 1880
OCCUPATIONAuthor, lawyer, public official
- Governor of New York
- Commander of the Rough Riders in the
Spanish-American War
- William McKinley's Vice President
- Became the youngest President at age 42
when McKinley was assassinated
- Unsuccessful third-party presidential
candidcate in 1912
- First President to travel outside the United States
- Worked to bring big business under regulation
- Began consruction of the Panama Canal

"Perhaps the two most striking things in the
presidency are the immense power of the
President, in the first place; and in the
second place, the fact that as soon as he was
ceased being President he goes right back
into the body of the people and becomes just
like any other American citizen."

- Written early in 1900; published in
The Youth's Conpanion, November 6, 1902

Gutzo Borglum,
Sculptor of Mount Rushmore

"Roosevelt seems fairly to have leaped with
life. He kidnapped energy and carried it
into the Nation's home... He remains
undrawn, none will engrave him. His
spirit is still at large, uncaptured by artist
or sculptor."

- Lincoln Borglum Manuscript Collection, Corpus Christi, Texas

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