Entry Points:

About Ridgecrest

The City of Ridgecrest lies in the southeast corner of Indian Wells Valley, a part of the Mojave Desert. It is home to the China Lake Naval Weapons Center, which occupies most of the valley north of the city, and the Coso Mountains to the northeast. With a downtown area clustered close to the base, the city stretches into the desert to the south and west with houses scattered among acres of creosote bushes.

Ridgecrest was originally known as Crumville and was settled in 1912. It was named after James and Robert Crum who operated a diary here. In 1941, when the population was around 200, the postal service opened a post office under the name of Ridgecrest. The first military base (Naval Ordnance Test Station) opened in 1943, and the town has revolved around the military base ever since. Ridgecrest is the largest city close to Death Valley National Park, which is accessed by Trona Road (State Highway 178) to the northeast.

As of the year 2000, Ridgecrest has a population of 24,927. The elevation ranges from 2,260 feet at the north end of town to about 2,500 feet along the surrounding hills. U.S. Highway 395 bypasses the town a few miles to the west and California Highway 178 connects from there to the downtown area. It continues west to Trona.

The southern end of the Sierra Nevadas lies to the west of Ridgecrest, on the other side of Indian Wells Valley, with Owens Peak easily visible and Mount Whitney in the distance to the northwest. The Argus Mountains, to the northeast, and the El Paso Mountains to the southwest are lower profile mountains closer to town which are arid and quite barren.

For More Information:
See Wikipedia, Ridgecrest, California, and the City of Ridgecrest official site.

Street Index

Allen Street
Alvord Street
American Street
Bataan Avenue
Bowman Road
Brady Street
Broadway Street
Burns Avenue
California Avenue
China Lake Boulevard
Church Avenue
College Heights Boulevard
Commercial Avenue
Coral Avenue
Desert Candles Street
Dolphin Avenue
Downs Street
Emily Street
Farragut Street
Fire Opal Street
Forest Knoll Street
Franklin Avenue
Garnet Avenue
Garth Street
Gateway Boulevard
Gemstone Street
Gold Canyon Avenue
Gold Canyon Street
Gordon Street
Grande Street
Greenlawn Street
Haloid Avenue
Hillcrest Avenue
Holly Canyon Drive
Hood Avenue
Hughs Avenue
Idaho Street
Karin Street
Kendall Avenue
Langley Avenue
Lenore Street
Lorie Ann Street
Lumill Avenue
Mahan Street
Mayo Street
McCall Street
Miguel Avenue
Monache Street
Norma Street
Orchard Street
Oregon Avenue
Peach Avenue
Plum Blossom Street
Porter Street
Potter Street
Primrose Street
Rademacher Way
Rader Avenue
Rancho Street
Ranger Street
Richmond Road
Ridgecrest Boulevard
Robertson Avenue
San Bernardino Boulevard
Sanders Street
Sierra View Street
Silver Ridge Street
Sims Street
Smoky Street
Springer Avenue
Springer Street
Springside Street
State Highway 178
Sullivan Avenue
Sunland Boulevard
Sunset Street
Upjohn Avenue
Valley Street
Vulcan Avenue
Walker Lane
Warner Street
Wasp Avenue
White Oak Street
Wildrose Street
Willow Avenue
Wilson Avenue
Yorktown Street

In Ridgecrest :

664 Photographs

Ridgecrest is in:
